4 Zodiacs Face February ‘Boss Level’ Challenge


Aquarius has been engaged in the same game for a very, very long period, but they have never given up—no matter how many times they have stumbled on their face. Now they stood on the brink of a last test after repetition produced improvement, improvement gave rise to confidence, and confidence lent tenacity. The objective they set out to pursue is now within their grasp; the thing they have been striving toward is thus. The scariest thing is not failing again, but succeeding since it marks the end of all of this striving since it exposes the world to that unanswerable question, “Now what? Goal-oriented thinking is most definitely tougher than reaching a goal. Aquarius refuses to let that anxiety prevent them from starting their next chapter of life.


Virgo constantly carries that archnemesis they had been planning to wipe out. Someone who quietly intimidates them while yet reflecting on everything that is wrong with the world. The “boss level” struggle they are confronting this month is one of confronting rather than avoiding the problem. Now unavoidable is the thing they have been postponing since they know there is no comeback from it. No matter how unpleasant of a response they are bound to generate, they have to express the things that have been pressing on their chest. When Virgo knows they won’t have to deal with the consequences, they have to defend the values they have been advocating for everyone else. Their money should go where their mouth is.


For Pisces, their “boss level” challenge is the one requiring all the knowledge they have acquired on recent “side missions.” Time management, emotional control, agency exercise, and reasonable limits. The test is if they have developed each ability sufficient to apply it with the others, such as learning to juggle while riding a unicycle as life does not test us in isolation. Though everything is usually a mess all at once, this does not mean we lack the means to bring it out on the other side intact. You will find great payoff from all you have been practicing. Over your own self-actualization existence, you are in charge. Your only remaining task is to decide which way you will guide it.


Though your “boss level” difficulty is an inside struggle, sometimes it’s easy to believe our largest obstacle is Taurus, an external foe. Can you go past your constraints to reach the objective laid before you? Are you able to accept your flaws and erroneous ideas of your capacity? Could you at last cease being your rate-restricting element and get rid of yourself as the obstacle right in front of you? The response rests totally on you. You hold the controller; you can turn off the video game system and leave, or you can attack the last level you have been suffering with for some time now. You could make it to those end credits by trying.





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