Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Experiencing Radical Changes Under The New Moon Solar Eclipse In Libra

Brace yourselves—the new moon Solar Eclipse in Libra has arrived!

The end of this eclipse chapter for Aries and Libra has finally arrived, and we are going out with a bang. On October 2nd at 2:46 PM (EST), this solar eclipse will occur in the balanced sign of Libra, asking us to take steps forward after the lessons we’ve internalized over the last year.

Eclipses intensify the new moon energy we are already experiencing, making this fresh start feel more critical. It’s time to consider our own needs alongside others’, not sacrificing one for the other. You’ve undergone enough to trust your gut and your ability to make decisions, and rather than hiding behind someone else, this is your time to step forward and take ownership of what you want from this life. People-pleasing is out, and stepping into our power is a must.

While all the zodiac signs will feel the effects of this solar eclipse, a few signs will see significant changes in foundational areas of their lives. Check your sign below (Rising and Sun!) to see which four zodiac signs will experience massive changes during this new moon solar eclipse in Libra.


It’s the end of one era and the start of a new, Libra! This eclipse is the last to happen in your sign for a few decades, so this feels like an ending in some ways. However, it’s opening a door for you to finally step out in the world, confident in the person you’ve become over this last year. Now, it’s time for you to show this version of yourself, and this period may have you addressing the best way to go about that. You tend to prioritize others above yourself, but this is a time to ask yourself what you want and need, and what will you do to make that happen. You are more secure and aware of your strengths and needs than you used to be, so it’s time to ask for it—the universe gives you a lot, but you have to meet it halfway.


Your relationships are undergoing some changes, Aries! You’ve been addressing the realities of what you need in your partnerships to make them as healthy and thriving as possible while also acknowledging your bad habits and the roles you play in these connections. Now, you are feeling more empowered to ask for what you need. In true eclipse fashion, you’ll likely experience unexpected opportunities or situations that challenge you to voice your needs or set boundaries, which may be challenging but necessary. This could also be when you consider taking your relationships to the next level if you feel they are in a strong enough place to make the decision. Know that it’s time, to be honest, and not cave into what you think will make people love you more—the only way you’ll have successful relationships is if you can be honest about your wants, needs, and desires.


Are you where you need to be, Capricorn? This eclipse is challenging that notion, as it hits on a theme you’ve been wrestling with over the last year. It’s one thing to be good at something or to take a job because it pays well, but is it what you’re meant to do with your life? The eclipse could usher in new opportunities to take on leadership roles or advance in your career, and you’re ready for them. However, if you aren’t heading in the direction you need to be, you may find this period full of disruption, showing you how unaligned this life path is with who you are. The choice is ultimately up to you, but it’s time for you to decide the direction in which you’ll take your next steps. You have opportunities awaiting you, but will you take advantage of them?


You’re focusing on your home life and cancer but things are ready to shift. This eclipse could bring opportunities to get closer to family members, to move or change up your home, or to prioritize self-care and balance. Your home is a sacred space, and the ones who make it feel like home are equally important. You’ve been identifying what this means to you over the last year, and now it’s time to take more decisive action in this area as you keep the lessons you’ve learned in mind. You understand boundaries must be set, but you also know when to engage and when to take space for yourself. You may decide you want to do things differently from how you were raised, and you have the confidence to apply that to your life in the future. Know that this period is instrumental in helping you in other areas of your life, and it’s worth investing in.

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