4 Zodiacs Destined To Go Through A Life-Altering Transformation In The Next 20 Years

If you’ve been feeling some major energy shifting, it’s for good reason: Pluto is moving into Aquarius!

Pluto, the planet associated with death, sex, transformation, and rebirth, maybe the smallest and slowest, but its impact is significant. Pluto stays in a sign for approximately eighteen years, so it’s time to pay attention when it changes signs. Alongside Uranus and Neptune, Pluto is known as a “generational” planet, meaning its impact is felt more over a generation than an individual level.

Until this point, Pluto has primarily remained in the sign of Capricorn, leading us to question and critique the long-held traditions of “how things should be.” Pluto would burn everything down to the ground if it could, and we are left to examine the pieces and figure out how to make the most of what’s left behind. On November 19th, 2024, Pluto will finally move into Aquarius, redirecting our focus for the next few decades toward themes of humanitarian change and how to cimprove our current structures Aquarius is known for its associations with rebellion and humanity, with a desire to go against the grain and try something different.

Suffice it to say that while the changes will be subtle, as this transit takes several years to complete, it will be a transformative experience for everyone. However, a few zodiac signs will feel its effects in important, foundational areas of their lives—a massive transformation is on the rise!

Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see which four zodiac signs are undergoing massive changes as Pluto enters Aquarius.


It’s time to shed the older versions of yourself to make room for the new, Aquarius. Pluto is moving into your 1st House of Self and Identity, marking a new era for how you perceive yourself and present yourself to the world. Your unique perspective is essential to who you are, and this period allows you to explore in ways you haven’t before. Self-improvement and transformation are prominent themes that will play out over the next eighteen years, and you are likely to engage with out-of-the-box methods to aid in the process. It’s important to remember that disruption and change are part of life—you must accept that you cannot control everything, including others’ actions. Taking the time to delve into who you are instead of who you think you’re “supposed” to be won’t always be easy to confront, but it will be well worth it.


Leo, you’ll discover new ways to embrace and address your relationships. Pluto moves into your 7th House of Partnerships, which will spend the next few decades completely restructuring how your partnerships fit in your life and how you navigate them. This period may involve interactions and connections with deeply intense people that challenge your perspective and shine a light on your relationship insecurities. It’s not always easy to be vulnerable, and you can find yourself either caving into people pleasing to convince people to cherish you or going the other direction and cutting people off at the first sign of conflict to avoid getting hurt. Establishing balance in your relationships is key for them to thrive and grow, but the only way out of these dynamics is to address and work through them. Pluto will give you plenty of opportunities for it, so ensure you have a supportive group of healthy connections you can lean on.


Major shifts are coming in your professional life, Taurus. Pluto moves into your 10th House of Career and Public Image, and while the changes won’t feel immediate, you’re setting out on a journey of transforming how you view and take charge of your career path. It’s time to ask yourself what you want your life to look like and wour “purpose”  You hcanleave a lasting impact on the world around you, but you have to be intentional and willing to go beneath the surface to make it happen. You may find that your previous desires and goals may not align with who you are or who you’re becoming—making those changes can feel threatening, but they are necessary if you want to be true to yourself. You may find opportunities to rise through the ranks banddifficult power struggles that challenge your usual ability to fly under the radar. You can’t keep hiding in the shadows if you want to be remembered—make sure it’s for the right reasons.


Scorpio, you’re going beneath the surface of your home and family dynamics. Pluto enters your 4th House of Home and Roots, prepared to radically shift how you view your home life, domesticity, and family connections. While society, and perhaps your family, may have given you a framework for how life is supposed to go, we don’t always fit into those molds. Pluto is ready to help rip down the framework to its foundation so you can build a life meant for you from scratch. However, deviation from what we’ve always known can be unsettling, and we long for the comfort and security our homes and family may bring, even if it restricts and keeps us from growing. These next few decades will push you to examine things about yourself and your upbringing that will open your eyes, with no choice but to work through them. Emotional wounds and triggers will be brought to your attention, and if you’re committed to healing, you’ll find you come out of the transit much more secure in yourself. Remember to ask for help and support during these heavy moments, though your temptation may be to retreat from everyone and everything—know when you need to create boundaries and when you need someone to lend a shoulder for you to cry on. You deserve to feel safe in the place you have built for yourself, so be open to where this journey can take you.





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