Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs At Risk Of Overthinking During The Next 46 Days

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If you feel the restless, overthinking vibes, you’re not alone—Mars has entered Gemini!

From July 20th through September 4th, Mars—the planet of action, aggression, and drive—will be in the conversational, social sign of Gemini. Mars is a planet that is always on the move, and when it’s in an air sign like Gemini, our minds and our words can move quicker than we would like. On the positive side, this introduces many new ideas and stimulates conversation. On the negative side, we can be more harsh with our words and jump to conclusions if we aren’t careful.

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While all the signs will experience the effects of Mars in Gemini, a few signs may find they are overthinking more than usual during this period. Check your signs below (Rising and Sun) to see which signs are at risk for overthinking during Mars in Gemini.


Your mind is all over the place, Aries! With Mars transiting your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you’ll likely feel more inspired and inundated with new ideas and perspectives, which is exciting. However, with so many thoughts and concepts, don’t be surprised if you start overthinking everything you know. You’ll feel more articulate than usual, but you also may find you’re taking things personally, especially if people aren’t responding to your new ideas the way you would like. Trust yourself and try not to rely on the perception of others, especially if you’re confident in what you’re speaking about. Slow down and remember that others aren’t thinking about you as much as you are.

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You have a lot on your plate, but what else is new, Capricorn? As Mars moves through your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, prepare for things to shift into overdrive. Work projects and tasks may pop up faster than expected, or comments from co-workers may have you second-guessing the work you’re putting in. You also may try to bite off more than you can chew to try and prove you can handle things, only to cause you to doubt your abilities. While you should work on not overwhelming yourself, remember that you have a great work ethic and can be trusted to handle important projects. Rather than being snarky or jumping to conclusions, try keeping your head down and focusing on what you can control instead of what you can’t.

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Things may be feeling more personal these days, Cancer. As Mars moves through your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, you may be revisited by past actions or baggage you haven’t unpacked yet. This can be a great time to take accountability (where necessary) and to set boundaries. However, it can also send your mind into overdrive as you reflect on why things happened and what you could’ve changed. You may also find it more challenging to make decisions as you can see both sides to everything. While you may be tempted to spiral, focus on what you can do in the present and the future instead of all the things you would’ve done differently. Visiting the past is sometimes necessary, but you can’t live there forever.

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You’re overthinking who you can trust right now, Scorpio. As Mars transits your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you may feel eager to connect or dive deep into topics you don’t usually discuss openly. However, you’re also struggling between your ego and your desire to trust other’s opinions or offers of support—you want to handle everything alone, and you don’t trust others to show up for you, especially about sensitive topics. However, it would be best if you remembered that we aren’t supposed to carry everything alone and that sometimes we have to trust people who have proven time and time again they want to be there for us. Instead of questioning the intention behind every move, take a step back and breathe. Let the people you love help you, especially when you need it.

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4 Zodiacs At Risk Of Overthinking During The Next 46 Days
4 Zodiacs At Risk Of Overthinking During The Next 46 Days

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