Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs About To Be Inspired By A Stranger

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Someone older and wiser

You’ve needed mentor energy in your life for some time now Sagittarius. That part of you that feels out of place in your hometown, the part that is always seeking something new and adventurous and unknown, is a part of you that feels it is lacking direction guidance, and wisdom. There is no one around you that you admire, that seems to know what they’re doing in a way you respect and would idealize or emulate. You poke holes at the people and principles that make up your milieu and long for something different. Someone more like you. Don’t be surprised when you encounter this exact individual in an unexpected venue. You’ll know when they start describing themselves and their values that you’ve found someone whose walked the life path you’re actively seeking.

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Someone out in public

You catch yourself zoning out more often than you care to admit these days, Libra. Aimlessly staring out into space, out windows, over your laptop, compelled to focus your attention on anything but the very thing in front of you. You are longing for something to be worthy of that notice, important enough to care about. And so when you stumble across a stranger in a shared space, a park, a cafe, or the nail salon, you will see in them a reflection of an emotion you’ve been suppressing all this time. Maybe this person is crying, sitting alone, unnoticed by everyone but you. Maybe they are visibly angry, white-knuckling on the edge of their seat. The point is that without speaking, this person will help you confront the conflict you’ve been containing within yourself.

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Someone on the internet

You are about to scroll or click your way to inspiration, Cancer, encountering someone who inspires you to embody a bolder self-esteem than the one you’ve been recently displaying to the world. Maybe it’s this person’s appearance. The way they dress or cut their hair creates a unique sense of style and confidence. Maybe it is the way they carry themselves, or the unique cadence of their voice and noticeably intentional choice of words. A quick study of their unique public persona will unlock new ways to communicate with the world. A pair of shoes that says “I’m quirky but polished”, or a hat that tells the world, “I care more about sun protection than fashion”. Whatever the statement, this stranger will show you, it’s always been yours to make.

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Someone who is a friends of a friend

Sometimes the people who influence us the most in life, have always been an arm’s length away, Aquarius. You will be introduced to someone who has close connections to your inner circle but has never met before. Someone who shares many of the same interests, hobbies, and passions as you. Someone who makes you feel a little less alone, even in a crowded room of people. The connection will reassure you that you’ve been on the right path, and stayed true to yourself, even when it meant not following the masses, but it will also remind and inspire you to seek out like-minded people. Life is more enjoyable when you’re not stranded on an island of isolation when you don’t have to keep the things that matter most to yourself

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