4 Zodiac Souls Riddled With Midnight Magic

Are you a night owl or an early bird? Do you live for the time of day when the sun sets and the sky turns to gorgeous shades of periwinkle and lilac, the stars emerging like hidden diamonds to signal the moon to rise? Some zodiacs are more drawn to the darkness and solitude of night than others. They love to sleep in and fill the daylight hours waiting for the sun to go down. These zodiacs feel most comfortable and productive at night, preferring to do their favorite activities under the darkness. Based on their astrological traits, here are the four-star signs with nocturnal souls.

Cancer: The Moon Child

A particular celestial body rules every zodiac sign, and the moon guides Cancermoon representing emotions and divine feminine energy. The moon also hides most of itself most of the time, only revealing its full glory once or twice a month on the full moon. Like the moon, Cancers delight in the darkness. They are very private people, preferring to hide most of themselves from others. Although quite sensitive and emotional, they only reveal their innermost feelings and true selves to their dearest loved ones.

As the sign of the crab, a creature that takes its home everywhere it goes, Cancers also take pride in their living space. They crave the nighttime, when they can be in their favorite place: their own house, in bed, or on the couch, surrounded only by the person or people closest to them. The children of the moon are natural night owls, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Scorpio: The Ruler of Darkness

Scorpio may be the darkest sign of them all. Pluto, the planet of death and transformation, rules this zodiac. Pluto’s influence gives Scorpios a dry, morbid sense of humor. They relish the night and are even drawn to dark colors in their wardrobe.

Scorpios understand that without darkness, there can be no light. Like the phoenix, they know there must be periods of dormancy – or even death – for growth and change to occur. They have the incredible gift of seeing the light in the dark, beauty in ugliness, and the best, hidden sides of people. Scorpios are highly perceptive and intuitive and notice things others miss. They love the nighttime because that is when they shine the brightest. They are never blinded or intimidated by the dark; instead, they embrace it and call it home.

Aquarius: The Lone Night Wolf

Uranus, the planet of change, innovation, and the unknown, rules Aquarius. Thanks to Uranus’ influence, Aquarians are highly unique. They never follow along with the crowd, and would rather stick out like a sore thumb than be like everybody else.

Aquarians are true loners who prefer to work independently. The nighttime gives them the solace they seek but are so rarely able to find in the daytime. When darkness overtakes the sky, their minds come alive. It’s not unusual for an Aquarius to work late into the night on their passion project, likely something to do with helping people, protecting the planet, or inventing new technology. Although they are efficient and logical, they are also dreamers – and dreamers do their best work in the dark.

Pisces: The Dreamer

PisThanks to their guiding planet, ces people are almost guaranteed to be nocturnal creatures, tisces is ruled by NeNeptunethe planet of dreams, fantasy, and illusion. With dreams forming such a significant part of their astrological makeup, it’s no wonder this star sign prefers the night.

Thanks to their dreaminess, Pisces people are extremely creative and romantic. They are so whimsical that they seem almost otherworldly. They do their most inspired work in the night hours when the rest of the world settles down and they can tap into their visions.

Pisces people also adore sleep and need a lot of it to function properly. They can’t be constrained to typical sleep cycles, either – you won’t catch them rising at dawn and going to bed when the sun sets. They need long, frequent naps, and they love to sleep in late. Sometimes this gives them an unfair reputation for being lazy, but these night owls compensate for their rest time by staying up until the wee hours of the morning, working and creating. Even their sleep is productive because they receive so much inspiration from their dreams





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