4 Zodiac Sings Just Trying To Make It Through The Day

Sometimes, it’s difficult to do basic things like roll out of bed and make breakfast for yourself, let alone spend an entire day at work. Althoughsome people havee been going above and beyond lately, others are simply trying to make it through the day. Who is hoping to make it to a better, brighter tomorrow.?Here are the zodiacs who have just been trying to make it through the day lately…


You aren’t under the impression that you need to do a million things per day to feel like a productive member of society. You understand that your best is going to look different at different times. You aren’t always going to have the energy to accomplish everything on your schedule, and that’s okay. You aren’t going to fault yourself for it because you understand that you’re doing your best. Lately, you have been trying to make it through the day because it would be unfair (and unhealthy) to ask yourself to do anything more. You refuse to push yourself when it’s only going to hurt you.


Your energy levels have been at an all-time low lately. Maybe you can pinpoint exactly what’s causing this change, or perhaps you can’t put your finger on it, but either way, you need to lean into the idea of resting. After all, you have been doing too much for too long. Although you used to expect an outrageous amount from yourself, lately you have been trying to make it through the day. You have been trying to push past this pain so you can return to your baseline. Then you’ll be able to overachieve again. But until then, you just need to take it one step at a time.


Although you have big dreams for yourself, lately you have just been trying to make it through the day. You have been so stressed and overwhelmed that you haven’t been trying to push yourself too hard. You haven’t been expecting as much from yourself as usual. All you want to do is make it through the day, and hopefully, you will start feeling more like yourself again in the future. Although you might be slightly disappointed with yourself for getting less done than usual lately, you should be proud of yourself for pushing through when you feel like this. Be proud of yourself for making it through every second that you could have spent in bed instead.


You always appear to be in a good mood because you’re excellent at shielding your sadness, but lately, it’s been getting harder and harder to hide how exhausted you have become. And that’s okay. You can’t always be the fun, bubbly one in the room. You’re a complex human with a range of different emotions, and you can’t fault yourself for them. Lately, you are simply trying to make it through the day. You’re an optimist, so you have hope that things are going to get better soon. You just need to make it through this periodtoo come out on the other side, to feel energized again.





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