In the end, you know deep down what you need to do to give yourself time and room to heal. The only question that has ever been, “When will you put your own needs first for a change?” All along, you knew this was possible. You knew there was a simpler, better, more natural way to do things that didn’t require you to go above and beyond or lose yourself in the process. It’s possible to do well and get enough sleep. You don’t have to give up any of your strength or freedom to be honest, open, and trust others. Listen to that voice that tells you to give it all a try. Things will never be the same in your life again.
Aries, our instincts can be a voice that won’t go away. Telling us to do the one thing we’re most afraid of and have been putting off for a long time but that we need the most in the end. You can begin to understand what it all means to you and your life when you pay attention to that voice and think about the complicated feelings and experiences that are causing that internal pushback. What would happen if you faced your fears and wants and took a chance to help yourself? How would you feel if you gave in to that voice? If you allow the anger, love, fear, and happiness to flow easily and in the right amounts in your life. In what ways would you finally be able to heal?
Scorpio, you know who’s been lying to you. You know who has been using you to get what they want and taking advantage of you. Your life isn’t on trial even if you don’t have enough proof to persuade the judge. It’s possible to stay sane and respect yourself by walking away from a bad situation. Listen to the part of you that tells you to do this. You choose which people make you feel safe and which ones you don’t trust. You can keep your wallet, your heart, and anything else important to you safe. Most of the time, there’s a very good reason for how strongly you feel about something.
Libra, your gut is telling you that you need to make a change. That life has stopped moving forward, and it’s time for you to make changes. This is important even if you think it’s silly or that you should be thankful that your life is pretty good. It only matters that this feeling comes from a part of you that hasn’t been able to speak up before or is just learning how to do so. Allow it. Figure out not only what it wants but also why it wants it. It will be worth it for you to take the time to write down your wants. This will also heal the part of you that forgot how to do it in the first place.