4 Zodiac Signs Who Move Too Quickly In A Relationship

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While some people might express doubt at the idea of love at first sight, others develop an instantaneous attraction to their potential romantic interests the moment they lay eyes on them. Falling head over heels for their suitable romantic counterparts, these individuals conjure up strong emotions for their partner within weeks, days, and sometimes even moments of their initial meeting. Unfortunately, some of these signs tend to move a bit too fast for their good, smothering their partner in a mountain of affection without giving their relationship time to grow on its own.

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You only move at one speed, Aries, bolting through life like a gazelle racing across a wide-open prairie. It’s no surprise, then, that you prefer for your relationships to move at a similarly rapid pace, allowing you to avoid the awkward flirtatious stage of a romantic encounter and settle more into something more solid. Unfortunately, as quickly as you fall in love, you also tend to fall out of it just as easily.

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Deep down, you want a romantic companion who will never stop paying you compliments or doting on you every chance they get. In love with the idea of being in love, you want someone to connect with on a more personal level – a romantic partner who you’re able to text at all hours of the day and have an emotional heart-to-heart. While you enjoy the idea of having multiple suitors interested in you, you empathetically desire a loyal significant other who will stay by your side through thick and thin.

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You view relationships as one massive project that needs your constant care and attention. With that in mind, why would you spend time and effort on a romance you’re not entirely sure will succeed? Once you’re confident about the viability of your connection, you want to move into a more stable relationship as quickly as possible. By doing so, you’ll be able to start improving the overall foundation of your connection, ensuring a (hopefully) happier, stronger, more lasting dynamic with one another.

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Though you value your independence above all else, at the end of the day, you also want someone to care about, Sagittarius. While you’re more than comfortable booking lavish trips abroad, you also cherish the idea of having someone to come back to – someone who will be waiting at your front door with open arms, a loving smile, and affectionate proclamations of how much they missed you. Because of your romanticized worldview, you tend to move fast when it comes to new romantic relationships, professing your love to your partner in the hopes that they’ll admit their strong feelings for you

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