4 Zodiac Signs Realizing Their ‘Bad Luck’ Isn’t Real This Week

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Some people seem to exhibit luck in every area of their life. Whether spontaneously receiving a promotion, randomly winning a free giveaway, or happening across a crinkled $20 bill on the sidewalk, luck always appears to be on these individuals’ side, guiding them through an eventful life characterized by good fortune and constant adventure.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, several signs seem to suffer from repeated instances of bad luck. The good news, however, is that (in most cases) bad luck is merely the product of a sad mindset, with some signs tending to make a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to an occasional setback in their careers or personal lives.

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You have a way of assuming other people’s problems are your own, even when said issues are none of your business to begin with. A dependable source of support for all those closest to you, you’re used to being the person people go to for advice, rather than the other way around. When hardship befalls you, you have few places to turn to help you cope, with few loved ones able to match your singular wellspring of devotion. To better handle your issues, you must stop taking on other’s worries and anxieties, allowing you to deal with emotional turmoil in whatever form it happens to take.

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You’re not unlucky, Virgo, you’re just … particular. You like things in a very specific way, whether it’s the correct order in which the dishes are stacked or sorting your Tupperware containers from smallest to largest in the cabinet. Once someone upsets the balance you’ve worked so hard to achieve, it’s like your entire world comes crashing down around you, jeopardizing everything you’ve worked so hard to build. You need to learn to ease your grip on things in life and realize that not everything needs to fall under your control. Once you do that, you’ll be able to adapt to upsetting situations more flexibly, rather than lamenting when things don’t pan out as you hoped they would.

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You have difficulty carrying out personal relationships with other people, mainly owing to your inward nature. When it comes to the kinds of conversations you have with strangers, you prefer being the one asking the questions, bombarding people with inquiries like an investigative journalist looking for their next story. Because you let so few people into your own life, you tend to see yourself as an outcast, maintaining little connection with the outside world around you. But you don’t have to be alone, Scorpio. All you need to do is open yourself up to some meaningful conversation, sharing your thoughts and feelings with friends rather than suffering in isolation.

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When you get an idea in your head to do something, you don’t stop until you see it through to completion, from meticulously planning a weekend trip to Paris to finally rolling up your sleeves and completing that thousand-piece puzzle collecting dust in your basement. With such a singular goal driving you forward, you tend to get overwhelmed whenever you fall short of meeting your objective. Whether it’s not getting that raise you worked so hard for or finishing second place in a race you spent months training for, you need to accept that winning isn’t everything, Capricorn. Sometimes, the purpose of a journey is simply to work on ourselves, with hard work and relentless practice serving as its judicious reward

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