4 Zodiac Signs Known for Being Nightmare Exes

Regardless of their zodiac sign, anyone may be a horrible ex, let’s face it. However, certain star signs are infamously awful ex-partners. The energy of the twelve signs is expressed in three different ways or modalities. Some of the worst ex-partners are the four “fixed” modality signs because they are obstinate, resolute, and tenacious, and struggle to let go and embrace change. It’s simple to understand why fixed signals could be problematic as ex-partners based just on these characteristics. These zodiac signs have various reasons for ending a relationship, though. Here are the four-star signs that make terrible ex-partners and why it’s so hard to end a relationship with them.

Taurus: You Can’t Leave Them

The notoriously stubborn bull is the zodiac sign for Taurus, which is also a fixed sign. According to this, one of the most obstinate and uncompromising star signs is Taurus. They prefer to be comfortable, so it takes a lot to start a breakup since they are afraid of major life changes like leaving a relationship.

If you discard them, they will find it difficult to let you go. Taurus is a star sign that understands what to say and do to try to win you back because Venus, the planet of love, governs it. They also won’t give up, working more to win you back than they did during the relationship. Depending on the situation, it can be frightening when they continue to act as though the breakup never occurred, showing up for dates or bringing you presents as usual.

You can’t get rid of Taurus ex-partners, and you’ll regret your decision to break up with them.

Leo: They Cause Ego Damage

Leos’ boundless optimism and large, giving hearts make them excellent companions. They can, however, also make awful ex-partners. The Sun, which rules Leo, is the cause of this sign’s upbeat, optimistic outlook. Leos also believes that everything revolves around them. They have huge egos and are sometimes very selfish.

In addition to breaking Leo’s heart, dumping them hurts their ego, which is maybe worse for this sign. To preserve their pride and make you question the relationship, they will try to disguise it and act as though the split is not a huge concern to them. In addition, they will want to move on sooner than you do and will make sure you know when they have.

When you wind their pride, Leos will want to hurt you back, which makes them horrible ex-partners. Additionally, they will move on so quickly and nonchalantly that you will question whether you ever meant anything to them in the first place.

Scorpio: They Retaliate

After a breakup, Scorpios’ intense desire for a partner doesn’t diminish. After you break up with them, they will grieve for a long time and do all they can to win you back. A Scorpio who has decided to pursue retribution is much more difficult to deal with than this alone.

You should avoid getting on the bad side of Scorpios because they are among the most vindictive zodiac signs. If you break their heart, they will find a terrible way to shatter yours; it will happen when you least expect it and be 10 times worse than you could have imagined. The terrifyingly clever ways this star sign can exact revenge are almost laudable.

Scorpios are terrible ex-partners because they are content to be the self-appointed karma agent and never fully move on until they believe their karma has been fulfilled.

Aquarius: They Reappear Often

It’s amazing that an Aquarius, a reserved and unconventional sign, would ever commit to a relationship. Known as the zodiac’s eccentrics, Aquarians are clever inventors who constantly come up with amazing ideas and innovative ways to do things. However, they are adamant about being out of the ordinary, which also entails avoiding the majority of relationship conventions.

Under the pretense of wanting to remain “friends,” an Aquarius ex will keep coming back to you, regardless of who started the split. They always seem to sense when you’re ready to go on or look back on them with nostalgia, and that’s when they reappear. They might text you back after months of not hearing from you, just as you’re preparing for a date with someone else. Additionally, their desired “friendship” is never truly friendship; instead, it always results in a gray area where you act as though you’re in a relationship once more without commitment.

Aquarians know how to stay in your life while providing you with the bare minimum, making them nightmarish ex-partners. Regardless of who broke things off, you will need to be the one to stand your ground and let them go for good.





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