Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiac Exes Who Can’t Be In The Same Room Together

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Aries and Taurus

In spite of their opposing personality traits, deep down, Aries and Taurus genuinely admire one another for their specific approaches to everyday life. Yet once their relationship has fully soured, these two try to maintain a respectful distance from each other, not wanting to interweave their contrasting lifestyles together. For Taurus, Aries’ spontaneous nature threatens to undo the comfortable environment they’ve cultivated for themselves. For Aries, a Taurus’s structured life is too rigid and confining, preventing them from enjoying the unpredictable opportunities waiting around every corner.

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Cancer and Scorpio

Like most romantically incompatible zodiac signs, Cancer and Scorpio have far too many fundamental differences standing in their way, diminishing their chances of forming a meaningful romantic connection with each other. Unfortunately, by the time they’ve figured this out for themselves, their opinion of one another has drastically changed. In Scorpio’s eyes, a Cancer requires too much constant care and attention – emotions Scorpios aren’t very comfortable expressing openly. Conversely, Cancers believe Scorpios are too emotionally unavailable for their good, frequently remaining silent whenever a Cancer needs to hear some reassuring words the most.

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Leo and Sagittarius

Both Leos and Sagittarians thrive on exciting relationships, kindling a fiery spark that most other couples can only dream about. Ironically, each sign tends to search for this sense of excitement in different places. Romanticizing their independence, Sagittarius will try to strengthen a relationship through cathartic time apart, taking the opportunity to expand their worldview and grow as a person. Leos, on the other hand, sees this distance as a detriment to their relationship, believing Sagittarian partners should prioritize their needs rather than jetting off to Fiji or Thailand whenever they feel like it. Butting heads over these issues, it’s far more likely to see a Leo and Sagittarius part on an embittered final note rather than separating amicably as friends.

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Virgo and Gemini

On their own, Virgos and Gemini are unique signs that always find a way to overcome any obstacle before them. Romantically, however, these two signs’ wildly different temperaments trigger all kinds of trouble, leading to constant bickering, arguments, and lingering hostility even after their relationship has ended. Priding themselves on their maturity, Virgos believes Gemini lacks a serious enough personality to make a relationship work. At the same time, Geminis can’t help but shake their head whenever they notice Virgo’s perfectionist attitude, believing they ask for too much too often from their significant others.

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