4 Signs Who Always Try And Should Know That’s What Matters


I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, Taurus. You can’t win this battle. Moving the bar faster than you can change how you’re doing things to clear it is impossible. It may feel like you’re not good enough, the right fit, or meeting the wants or expectations of those around you, but the truth is that the people in charge are a mess. They don’t say what they want, need, or think your skills would be useful for. They aren’t giving you a chance to add value or setting you up to succeed. I know it’s hard to keep your confidence up in this situation, but remember that you are the best support for yourself.


Capricorn, you’ve been hit by tidal wave after tidal wave of problems, and you can’t get back up before the next one comes along and knocks you down again. You should be okay with just treading water, keeping your head above water, and making sure your lungs are clear. That’s what’s important and necessary right now, and you need to meet it where it is. Getting upset about not being able to enjoy a frozen drink on the beach is not important. You can’t hold yourself to unfair standards that take you “out” of the present moment when you’re “in it.” You’re doing everything you can to get through this storm. Once it’s over, you’ll focus on putting the pieces back together.


As much as you try, Scorpio, you’ll never be everyone’s cup of tea, best friend, or go-to person for help. That’s not how the world works, and no one has given you that much power. Even though you are thoughtful, kind, careful, giving, and kind, that isn’t enough to keep you from having any kind of conflict or social discomfort. You need to know that it’s not your fault when those things happen. People don’t always dislike us, and sometimes it’s not even about us. You’re good enough. You can do this. Everything will be fine. Say that over and over until the feeling goes away. People who care about you will be there to catch you.


Virgo, you may have the most thorough, beautifully organized, color-coded, and geometrically perfect calendar-life plan on paper, but no matter how well you plan, life will not follow the pay you’ve set out for it. When things don’t go the way we planned or want them to, it’s not time to start blaming ourselves and calling people names. It’s time to figure out how to deal with this new situation and ask ourselves what we want to claim for ourselves and what we want to fight against. Even though we can’t change what happens to us, Virgo, you are more than capable of responding gracefully.





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