Someone in your life you would not dare cross as you know their words could destroy you?
Most likely, they are members of one of the zodiac’s most aggressive verbal assassins. Their angry remarks shred you to ribbons and they are fast-thinking, sharp-tongued. Here are the four-star signs—masters of verbal insults—and how astrology explains their stinging speech.
In a verbal argument, Aries is among the last zodiac you should ever aim to surpass. Mars, the planet of war, passion, and attack rules Aries. Aries people so are fighters in every respect; they never back down from a dispute and they are the first to defend themselves (or their loved ones). Aries flees to escape confrontation whereas certain zodiacs go out of their way to avoid it. They are also quite honest and impetuous; they cannot bear liars and you can always rely on them to present the truth. Sadly, they can be a little rude and insensitive; their candor could come across as callousness. They can be harsh and difficult to deal with even when they are not trying to cause a quarrel. Aries folks are verbal assassins also because of their cerebral strength. Aries rules the head, especially the intellect, hence this zodiac sign is rather clever. They are fast thinkers and adept at wielding words as a weapon. Indeed, you should avoid any verbal sparring with this star sign since you will lose and get ripped to pieces along the process.
You desire not to tango with a Gemini since these wordsmiths will make you beg them to stop their tongue-lashing. Because Mercury, the planet of knowledge and communication, rules their zodiac sign, Geminis are naturally endowed in languages. Mercury’s influence helps Geminis not only be quite smart but also masters of linguistic eloquence. Many Geminis are outstanding instructors, public speakers, authors, or rappers. In a war of words, they also present a strong opponent; so, it is much better to have them on your side than against you. Usually friendly and fun-loving, Geminis are not naturally inclined to start arguments. But if someone fuels their rage, their sharp, brilliant words will finish debates. One of their go-to strategies in a fight is making you the butt of the joke as they enjoy entertaining themselves and getting others laughing. Respect a Gemini only if you are ready to be embarrassed and subdued.
Another star sign you avoid messing with is Virgo as Mercury guides both Gemini and Virgo. Although this planet gives Virgo the same intellectual and communication skills, as an earth sign she uses these weapons a little differently. Earth signs are very much based on facts and reason. If what Virgo says is accurate, she won’t care how much her words damage you. Perfectionists of the zodiac, constantly see faults and things they wish to correct in others and their surroundings. Even if they are simply trying to be helpful, their comments may come out as harsh. Imagine then how nasty they can be when they have nothing to back off and their goal is to hurt you. There is always at least some truth to what Virgins say, so their words sting rather like that. Ignoring their insults is difficult when you believe them, particularly if they feed on your fears. You have been advised; to avoid upsetting a Virgo unless you wish to experience intensely wounded emotions.
The last zodiac you should never want to conquer in a war of words is Sagittarius. Sagittarians are impetuous and reckless as a fire sign, hence occasionally they may also be rather tactless. They claim to have no filter and anything comes to them. Even if they believe they are merely making a joke or a casual statement, sometimes their candor comes off as cruelty. They expect everyone else to be the same and are so strong that insults slide off them. Usually, they are also good-hearted and fun-loving, thus their insults are inadvertent. But when they are enraged, they release their whole fury. Nothing will equip you for the manner they will send you to bits from top to bottom. And after they’re done, they go on and forget about it as fast as it occurred, leaving you to heal.