4 Birth Months Whose Emotions Are Written All Over Their Face

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Some people are able to hide how they’re feeling in any situation. They can play pretend easily so no one ever knows what they’re truly thinking. But other people struggle to keep their emotions secret. Their every thought is obvious. Here are the birth months who have their emotions written all over their face:


If you were born in January, your actions and your words always match up. You find it hard to play pretend because you don’t see the value in lying. You would rather be honest about how you’re feeling and have people hate you than play pretend and have the world love you. Even if you thought lying could get you ahead, your face gives you away. It’s hard for you to pretend you enjoy people who are just plain awful. Your distaste for them is obvious. Everyone knows what you’re thinking before you say it out loud.


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You struggle with hiding your emotions because they’re so big. You can’t get away with pretending you don’t care about someone when you do (or that you aren’t annoyed when you are) because your face gives you away. You are such a genuine person that it’s impossible to hide whatever is running through your mind. Although this can hurt you at times, it’s usually a good thing overall. No one can accuse you of being fake because you are always one hundred percent honest with the people around you. You are an emotional person, but you embrace it. You aren’t ashamed. There’s no reason to be.


If you were born in April, you have trouble hiding your emotions — but you don’t mind it. You don’t want to lie about your feelings anyway. You would rather be honest about how you’re feeling because you don’t see the point in playing mind games. You are always honest with the people around you, whether you have known them for years or are practically strangers. Everyone who meets you knows that whatever you say is what you mean. There isn’t any trickery when it comes to you because you keep things transparent. Just by looking at your face, they can tell what you’re thinking because you aren’t the type to keep secrets. You couldn’t, even if you wanted to.

“Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You.”


If you were born in November, you will struggle to hide how you’re feeling at any given moment. When you don’t like someone, you can’t play pretend and fake it with them. It’s going to be way too obvious that you don’t mesh well with them. But that’s okay because you would rather avoid the people who bother you anyway. You don’t like wasting your time with the wrong people. You would rather cut them out and spend time around people who actually value you and treat you right. Since your emotions are written all over your face, you’re forced to be selective about who you allow in your social circle. And that’s why you are surrounded by such kind, wonderful people. You couldn’t have it any other way.

Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love.





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