4 Birth Months Who Are The Most Afraid Of Being Alone

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Some people are entirely comfortable enjoying their own company. They might even prefer to be single since they have plenty of time to focus on themselves and do whatever they want to do without needing to please anyone else. But other people struggle when they aren’t in a relationship, not only because they’re alone in the moment but because they’re worried about remaining alone forever. Here are the birth months who are the most afraid of being alone:

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If you were born in June, you feel the most comfortable when you are surrounded by people. You experience loneliness pretty soon after you’re left to your own devices. That’s why you’re so scared of being alone forever. You want to have that one special person in your corner to support you and comfort you, to laugh with you and grow with you. However, even if you don’t find that person anytime soon, there are plenty of other people who are there for you. Don’t underestimate their importance in your life, just because you aren’t romantically involved. And don’t underestimate your own importance. Be there for yourself. Be kind to yourself.


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If you were born in July, you are in love with the idea of love. Family means everything to you, which is why you have been searching for someone to expand it. You want a real commitment. A real love story. And you aren’t going to feel satisfied until that happens. Although there’s nothing wrong with searching for love, you need to remember being alone isn’t the worst thing in the world. Try to learn how to enjoy your own company because even once you find your soulmate, there will be moments when you’re apart. Moments when you can’t rely on them and will have to rely on yourself.


If you were born in October, you would much rather be in a relationship than stay single because you’re in love with the idea of love. You’re a romantic who wants to be swept away by that one special someone — and you hope everyone you date turns out to be that special person. But you can’t be so afraid of being alone that you end up stuck in the wrong relationship. You need to be comfortable enough with your own company that you choose the single life over life with a subpar partner. After all, being alone can be a growing experience. It can be just as fulfilling as any relationship.

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If you were born in December, you are afraid of being alone because you’re looking for a real commitment. You want a partner who is going to be there for you no matter what. A ride or die. But if you don’t find that person anytime soon, it’s okay. You are an independent person who knows, deep down, that you don’t need anyone else to make you happy. In fact, it’s dangerous to rely on someone for your happiness. You should work toward making your own. Then, when you eventually find the right person, they will enhance a life that you already love.

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