3 Zodiacs Wishing For A Happier Holiday On December 18

While others enjoy the twinkle lights, yummy cookies, and nostalgic movies, not everyone is as thrilled with the holiday season. There are overpacked stores and gift-buying stress, family drama, and far too many chores for those who have to host. If you’re one of these three zodiacs, you’re feeling more and more stressed out as we inch ever closer to the end of December. On December 18, you’ll be hoping for a happier holiday. Here’s why:


When you agreed to have so much control over this holiday, you were just doing it because others might not have a handle on the prep as you do. You like the food or décor or complicated Secret Santa gift exchange to go off without a hitch, so you just do it yourself. But now, on December 18, you’re regretting ever opening your mouth. You have so much on your plate and have no idea how to get through the holidays without an annual nervous breakdown. Here’s how: Let people know that you need help. Even if you have to delegate some tasks, it’s better than doing everything alone.


You’re not sure exactly why, but the holiday season always feels like a bummer every year. Maybe it’s Seasonal Affective Disorder; the short, gloomy days transforming you into a gloomier person than you already are the rest of the year. Or maybe it’s that the holidays remind you of people you’ve lost or of a picture-perfect family that you never had to begin with. On December 18, you’ll be wishing for a happier holiday more than ever. Do something special for yourself today so you can get yourself out of that dark mood. You deserve happiness no matter the season.


The problem with caring so much about the people in your life is that you feel personally responsible when things aren’t going well for them. Your empathy has the unintended side effect of soaking up the negative energy of those around you. On December 18, you’ll be wishing that you could just get a break from everyone so you could get some rest. The good news is that you totally can. Take a break from people today so you can be fresh and happy again when you see them for the holiday in just a few days.





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