3 Zodiacs Whose Exes Will Beg for Forgiveness, When Mars Goes Retrograde

On December 6th at 6:33 pm, passionate Mars goes retrograde in loving Leo. At this point, several zodiacs will see their exes slide into their DMs, begging forgiveness and pleading for second chances. Whether these signs extend mercy or not is up to them. Whatever they decide, early December will be downright delicious for these three signs.


A former lover who failed to put Aries first will come crawling back on their hands and knees this month. Fortunately for this dimwit, the Ram is quick to forgive and forget. However, this ex will have to go above and beyond to win back this zodiac’s heart. After this mission is accomplished, they’ll never be able to rest on their laurels again.


Somebody who failed to express gratitude for Capricorn’s unwavering love, devotion, and generosity will come back to their senses during the first week of December. Although Goats can be merciful, they’re not pushovers. Therefore, a trial reunion period may be granted. If that goes well, this zodiac could enjoy a highly romantic holiday season.


Several old flames could crawl out of the woodwork this December, seeking forgiveness from Aquarius. The detached Water-bearer isn’t likely to extend mercy to partners who cheated, lied, or stole. Those who simply failed to live up to this zodiac’s high standards may have their friendship privileges restored, but that’s about it.





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