Zodiac Signs

3 Zodiacs Who Will Have The Best Month This August

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August has arrived, and this month could feel like an exciting time for some zodiac signs!

Okay, let’s be honest—the astrology for August looks a bit intense. With Mercury’s Retrograde in Virgo happening the same day as Venus moving into Virgo on August 5th, Mars and Jupiter in Gemini conjunct on August 14th, and Mars in Gemini squaring up to Saturn in Pisces on August 15th, tension and miscommunication are on the table throughout the next few weeks. However, we are still in radiant Leo season, and it’s worth making the most of—especially for a few zodiac signs!

Check out your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see which three zodiac signs may have the best month this August!

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August is your time to shine, Leo, so don’t shy away! As the Sun continues to move through your 1st House of Self and Identity for most of the month, as well as a new moon appearing in your sign on August 4th, these next few weeks are an ideal time to focus on what you want and need in life, as well as getting your budget and goals in mind to make it happen. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, moves into Virgo at the beginning of the month, which could bestow exciting financial opportunities for you in your 2nd House of Income and Values. However, Mercury begins retrograde in the same house the next day, meaning those opportunities could be delayed, or your finances could experience some setbacks.

The keyword for you to keep in mind this month is patience. Ideas, inspiration, and opportunity are all heading your way, but they may happen in ways you don’t expect or may take longer to flourish than you would prefer. Notably, when Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in Gemini, you may feel the push more than usual to get up and go at full speed. Still, you need to remember that rushing things won’t give you the desired results—a lesson you’ll learn more fully when Mars in Gemini squares with Saturn in Pisces. If you can reflect on your goals and keep your pace and expectations steady, this month has so much to offer you.

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You’re getting some extra attention this month, Scorpio! The Sun continues its journey through your 10th House of Career and Public Image for most of this month, and it’s a perfect moment to pursue what you want in this area. Whether it’s a promotion, a raise, or a new path altogether, you are more aware of your value than usual—and so is everyone else, so it is best to leverage it in your favor! The new moon in this house refreshes you on where you are and where you want to go: is it time to make some big changes, and if so, are you preparing to make them happen?

Naturally, it’s always helpful to have people in your corner, and with Vensu moving into your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you have the support of those around you to help you move forward. However, Mercury moves into Retrograde in this house on the same day, meaning you will want to slow down and pay attention to what your allies have to say or be prepared to clear up some miscommunications. Naturally, some heaviness shows up in the form of Mars and Jupiter conjunction in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources. While this could create tension in your connections, it can also help you solidify that you should dive in entirely rather than do things halfway. If you want your dreams to become reality, you can’t sit back and wait until someone hands it to you—take things into your own hands.

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It’s time to let loose and feel alive, Aries—at least for a little while! Leo season lights up your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, making it an ideal time to discover what brings you joy and happiness truly. You may find that you’re discovering new things about yourself as you create and connect in ways you previously haven’t experienced. With the new moon appearing in this house, it’s worth fixing our eyes on what you want in terms of desire and pleasure in all areas of your life. However, passion and indulgence are one thing, but making them stick is another—and with Venus in Virgo showing up in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, you may find that people you’re connecting with in Leo season are influencing your habits in your daily life.

You can decide who you surround yourself with, but you can’t deny how they can impact you! Additionally, with Mercury in Retrograde starting in this house on the same day, you may find it challenging to start new hobbies or routines, or at least they won’t entirely go to plan. You should certainly lean into the fire and excitement of this season, but don’t forget that slow and steady tends to win the race—otherwise, you may burn out before you get the chance to enjoy it!

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3 Zodiacs Who Will Have The Best Month This August
3 Zodiacs Who Will Have The Best Month This August

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