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Here are three zodiacs who struggle with feeling insecure in romantic relationships
1. Scorpio
Scorpio can be incredibly jealous and possessive. These traits, coupled with Scorpio’s deep fear of being betrayed, create the perfect canvas for Scorpio’s insecurities to spiral.
In a committed relationship, Scorpio’s insecurities manifest in several different ways, but one of the biggest times Scorpio tends to feel insecure happens when Scorpio is away from their person. For example, if Scorpio’s partner has a night out with friends, Scorpio will experience excruciating insecurity because they are convinced their partner is going to be hit on and stolen away from them.
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2. Gemini
Gemini is sociable and curious and loves conversing with all types of people. Gemini can truly talk to anyone about anything and enjoys learning about different walks of life. And because Gemini can connect with pretty much everyone, Gemini often questions their feelings for their partner and if they’re truly in the right relationship.
In a committed relationship, Gemini’s insecurities manifest internally and their person usually has no idea they’re even struggling. Gemini gets in their head debating the merits of their partnership. Most of the time, this waffling is solely based on Gemini’s fears and not reality.
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3. Cancer
Cancer cares a little too much about what other people think about them, but this is especially true regarding their partner. Cancer wants their person to always see them in the best light, and never know about any of their flaws. Cancer wants to be the perfect significant other because they think if they even show a semblance of imperfection, their partner will leave them.
Cancer is terrified of rejection, and this fear is at the top of my mind in a committed relationship. This insecurity becomes even more prominent in the event Cancer and their partner disagree. When this happens, Cancer goes inward and retreats into themselves because they can’t cope with the possibility of being left (even though fights are a normal part of relationships).