Zodiac Signs

3 Zodiacs Who Should Take Risks When Venus Enters Sagittarius (10/17-11/11)

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With Venus moving through your expansive ninth house of philosophy, travel, and adventure, now’s the time to explore possibilities outside of your comfort zone. Do things that you’ve never done before. Visit a place you’ve never set foot in. Book that trip you keep telling yourself you’ll take “someday.” Embrace the wanderlust energy that’s in the air. Learn something new, whether it’s by picking up a book, a class, or a new hobby. Challenge your view of the world and where you fit in it. Take risks by experiencing life to the fullest. This means quieting your mind and not thinking about “what if,” and instead being adventurous and allowing yourself to live in the moment. If you can’t stop thinking about it, if it terrifies you, if it feels exciting, if it feels out of reach, chase it. Say yes to someone who’s the complete opposite of your type. Taken? Experiment with your partner when it comes to having new experiences inside and outside of the bedroom. Invite the novelty back into your relationship.

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Sensual Venus makes its way through your playful fifth house of romance, pleasure, and creativity, inspiring you to be guided by your desires and chase excitement. Give into the temptation, Leo. These next few weeks are a time to let yourself experiment and have fun. Don’t be confined by social norms when it comes to matters of the heart, sex, and self-expression. If you’re single and it’s been a while since you’ve let your hair down, chase some steamy flings. Build your roster. It’s not a crime, so long as you’re being responsible. Craving genuine connection? Put yourself out there. Go on some dates. Ask out your crush. Explore some unexpected love interests. Declare your love for that one special person. It can feel terrifying, but no one ever found that great love by playing it safe. If you already have that companionship, focus on bringing the spark back into your relationship. Most importantly, create excitement for yourself in your life. Incorporate more of what brings you joy into your life. Connect with your inner child, even if it feels silly. If you’ve been wanting to tackle a creative project or put your talents out there, now’s the time.

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If you’re feeling like the main character, that’s because you are. No one is more radiant and charming than you during these coming weeks. Right now, the vibes are in your favor, Sagittarius. So, take some big risks—you’ll be rewarded. Venus moves through your house of self, individuality, and personal ambitions. This is the sector in your chart that governs the impressions you make, the way you navigate the world, and how you take initiative. There’s a high potential to embark on wonderful, beautiful, new beginnings during this transit. Take a chance on yourself when it comes to your goals. Be bold in chasing after them, even if it means taking a new and risky approach. You should also make the most of this upbeat and confident energy by trying something new with your appearance. Give yourself a makeover. Get that haircut or dye job you’ve been talking yourself out of. Update your wardrobe. Buy a new perfume or shade of lipstick. Rebrand. This is a moment for personal reinvention on all levels, which also means doing your best to challenge your perspective and worldview. You’ve never been a stranger to this, but up your game when it comes to having new experiences during this time. And don’t forget to flirt. Go out on a limb and confess your feelings to your crush. If you’re in a relationship, brainstorm ways to nurture your desires and independence. Don’t be afraid to have this conversation with your significant other. Being in love doesn’t mean sacrificing your individual wants and interests. You can prioritize yourself and still be a good partner.

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