3 Zodiacs Who Need To Be Careful This Libra Season

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With the Full Moon in Aries on September 29th, expect that there will be some drama in your friendships and relationships. It’s going to be overwhelming and dizzying with all the changes disrupting your peace, so make sure you find time for yourself to not only find your balance again but to reflect on who and what matters the most to you. But remember: you can’t always rely on others to make your life happy and worthwhile. Happiness comes from within.

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You’ve been feeling a major shift happening in your life lately, but especially in your career. Even so, no matter how anxious you feel and no matter how long your pros/cons list is, this shift is a good thing. Have faith and go forth with confidence that you will get the benefits you’ve been wanting. It’s important for you to be patient and respectful when communicating with people during this time. Choose your words carefully.

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You’ve been doing a lot of work on yourself recently and you’re finally realizing that your people-pleasing nature has hurt you in the past. You’ve finally started asking for your needs to be met and for people to treat you with the respect you deserve. Be careful this Libra season, though, because you might retreat to patterns of putting others’ needs before your own. Be careful not to fall back onto the path of self-abandonment.

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