December: The drama just seems to find some people. They’re minding their own business and BAM, it’s found them. Now they have to deal with friendship drama or emotional interpersonal problems even if they were never an active part of it. Then some normally love hearing all the drama. Whether you’re an instigator or an unsuspecting bystander, you may just be done starting December 16. You have no bandwidth for games or drama today, and that no-fucks energy is going to follow you as you move through the final days of 2024.
It’s not that you’re necessarily the one starting drama or purposefully playing games. Rather, it seems like you get pulled into other people’s orbits. They play games with you when you’d rather just be chilling. Rather than falling for their trap and putting up with that kind of toxic energy, use December 16 as your day to finally be done with games. The next time someone starts something, just walk away. Don’t give them the energy or ammunition to keep you involved. It’ll feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
You’re too busy. It’s the excuse you say to get out of pretty much anything, and it’s true 95% of the time. With the holidays in full swing, it’s truer than ever. You have so much to get done, you have no time for anyone’s drama or games. Still, with family pressure and the holiday stress permeating everything and everyone, the drama will likely come knocking on your door on December 16, whether you like it or not. Luckily, you’re very good at tuning out the noise.
Honestly, you could be on this list for literally any day of the year. Of all the zodiac signs, you’re the best at ignoring games and drama. The social toxicity just doesn’t phase you. Frankly, you might not even notice it when the drama is in the room with you. On December 16, just keep being your pleasantly oblivious self and you’ll naturally dodge anyone intent on playing games.