3 Zodiacs Who Always Leave Words Left Unsaid

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Taurus tends to hide their desires in favor of stability. This sign is risk-averse. Their biggest fear is change, even when that change is tied to a thing they ache for with every fiber of their being. Taurus will yearn for something or someone for the rest of their lives, instead of being honest about what they want. They don’t want to endanger their heart (or the solid, secure life that they have worked so carefully to construct). Rarely does Taurus take chances, especially when it could mean having their heart broken. It takes this sign a long time to allow themselves to care deeply, and once they get to that vulnerable point, it’s sometimes simply too late.

Taurus also tends to build walls around themselves. They believe that keeping their emotions to themselves not only keeps them grounded but also ensures their power. If there’s one thing this sign does not like to give up it’s control and power. Taurus doesn’t want to reveal just how sensitive they truly are. Being vulnerable with their emotions can make them feel weak—and they will not allow anyone to view them as such.

Though they won’t display their feelings outwardly, they will dwell on these emotions behind closed doors. Taurus has an affinity for nostalgia and ruminating on the past. A lover who is missed by Taurus will never truly know what they meant to Taurus. This sign simply won’t express it, especially if they were wronged by someone—they will never give that person the chance to do it again.

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Scorpio is one of the most complex signs of the zodiac. This sign is ruled by Pluto, the planet of metamorphosis, depth, and power. Like its planetary ruler, Scorpio is associated with deep, heavy themes—sex, death, intense emotions, taboo, and even the occult. Pluto, named after the god of the underworld, represents what lies beneath the surface—all those shadow parts of ourselves that we keep hidden from the outside world. Scorpio perpetually walks this shadowy terrain, and are often led into a dark psychic landscape—one they feel wouldn’t be so easily understood by others. This is one of the many (and biggest) reasons that Scorpios keep their innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires to themselves.

Scorpios also feel protected when they can keep their emotions and secrets to themselves. They view their vulnerabilities as weaknesses, and they refuse to ever have those exposed. Scorpio believes people always have ulterior motives. It takes them a long time to truly trust anyone, so they keep their cards super glued to their chest. Like Taurus, Scorpio doesn’t like “giving up” power and is extremely afraid of losing control, so for them, it feels safer to leave some things unsaid—especially anything associated with any kind of emotional intensity.

This sign may skillfully hide their emotions but trust that they feel deeply. They guard their soft side (and truest selves) even from those closest to them. In relationships, they may struggle with vocalizing their needs. When they feel hurt or betrayed, Scorpio will walk out and never look back. They will refuse to ever speak to the person who caused them pain, no matter how much it hurts them not to—and no matter how much their heart is telling them to lean into forgiveness. If there’s anything bigger than a Scorpio’s capacity to love, it’s their pride.

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Don’t be fooled by the fact that Aquarius is the friendship sign. On the surface, Aquarius comes off as an open individual, however, this sign is uncomfortable with the emotional realm. Aquarius shies away from intense feelings—especially when it comes to expressing them. It’s not that Aquarius is afraid of being vulnerable, they just don’t see the value in doing so. Aquarius tend to lean more towards logic, so they tend to be very strategic about their emotions. They are experts at compartmentalizing. Eventually, Aquarius will start to view their feelings through a detached perspective. This isn’t because they don’t care—they feel deeply—but because they hate the “drama” and “messiness” of it all. They leave things unsaid to avoid the “theatrics.” Aquarius would also rather stay silent than overcome their struggle of putting their innermost feelings and sensitivities into words.

Aquarius feels safe not being understood. They have a strong desire for solitude. As friendly and socially-minded as this sign may be, Aquarius has a deep need to be alone to recharge and restore balance. Because they view the world as something much bigger than themselves, they also need to spend a significant amount of time in deep thought to ponder the mysteries of the world. They would much rather dedicate themselves to their cosmic perspective than to matters of the heart or to “what could have been”. For this reason, it’s easier for this sign than for others to let things go and let things just be.

Truth be told, Aquarius also enjoys maintaining a certain air of mystery around them. They derive pleasure from keeping others wondering about them. They will keep people guessing unless they find a compelling enough motivation to speak from the heart.

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