3 Zodiacs Running Into Miscommunications This Week As Mercury Enters Sagittarius (11/2)

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On November 2, 2024, cerebral Mercury enters witty Sagittarius. In the realm of this Fire sign, Mercury is a little intimidated by the flames of this Fire sign, jumping to rushed conclusions to avoid the anxiety of indecision. Sagittarius Mercury is one of the Mercury transits astrologers often witness as detrimental, struggling to express the planet of communication’s intentions.

There’s growth in store for the following three zodiac signs by practicing healthy communication. Read on to see if your Sun, Moon, or Rising signs are listed.

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As Mercury enters Sagittarius, Gemini must be mindful of their communication. The planet of communication will run into confusing matters as it transits its relationship sector. There’s hope for evolution when this zodiac sign avoids making assumptions, jumping to harsh conclusions, or speaking with no conscious intent or filter.

As Gemini encounters heated debates or moments with others, they’re called to pause. Their intention should be to practice honesty, transparency, and boundaries while still considering the feelings of loved ones. Conflict repair will be far easier to manage if they remember the spirit of mutual care and harm reduction.

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As Mercury enters Sagittarius, Leo notices shifts in their love life. Sagittarius Mercury stumbles around their romantic sector, leading them to question what they value in dating. It’ll be essential to practice openness with crushes or partners while still being just and fair and practicing moderation in their communication.

Leo will be challenged to avoid overcommitting or making promises they can’t keep when lost in the moment’s passion. If they do so, others will likely react with confusion, betrayal, or lack of secure trust. Even if they’re on the receiving end, giving your sweetheart a chance to repair will be vital if you feel the connection is worth the investment.

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Libra is asked to practice initiative communication during this transit. Sagittarius Mercury asks for direct assertiveness, which this peace-keeping Air sign can struggle with. It’ll be essential to push themselves out of their comfort zone. Should they say no, set boundaries, and make their needs known, they’ll avoid unnecessary conflict in friendships and social connections.

While Mercury transits Sagittarius, Libra may also be on the receiving end of some harsh bluntness. Breathe through triggers. While lashing out may seem unfair, your loved one may have repressed much pain, hurt, or confusion, leading to a delayed, intensified response. Working through conflicts can strengthen a relationship, should all parties work towards justness and fairness and never fail to return to their moral compass.

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