3 Zodiacs Most Likely To Cheat On You

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1. Gemini

Because they bore easily, Geminis are more susceptible to romantically straying. Indecisive and able to turn on a dime, The Twins have a hard time settling on what they want. They’re a classic case of having their cake and trying to eat it too. This can sometimes manifest in cheating, be it emotional or physical. If caught, they very rarely apologize. Instead, they find a way to somehow make it your fault. You weren’t providing. You were ignoring their needs. Watch out for a Gemini. They’ll stab you in the back and somehow find a way to blame you for why they did it.

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2. Scorpio

Scorpios are a very sexual sign. They have high libidos and not a lot of tolerance for (or really, are just afraid of) emotional vulnerability. Commitment has a tendency to freak them out, so it’s not unlikely that they’ll sabotage a relationship if they feel themselves growing too close to someone. In addition, they can be incredibly cruel and vindictive. If they feel scorned or hurt, they have no issues retaliating, and usually it’s done through something sexual.

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3. Sagittarius

A Sagittarius literally can’t stop themselves from flirting with anyone and everyone. They, like Scorpios, are a sexual sign and derive a lot of pleasure and validation from being wanted. They are usually the life of the party, someone people are drawn to and enjoy spending time with. As a result, they usually have tons of suitors. It’s not very hard for them to give into temptation.

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