3 Zodiacs Advancing Careers This Capricorn Full Moon (6/25)

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On June 25, a Capricorn full moon illuminates life on Earth. As the lunation floodlights our night skies with lunar beams, emotions heighten. A make-or-break moment ushers in. We’re no longer willing to sacrifice ourselves. In the archetypal realm of Capricorn, the Moon is oriented towards practical aims and worldly needs. The typical sensitive nature of Luna is replaced with objectivity and professionalism.

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While this Capricorn full moon will cause shifts for us all, three zodiacs can experience the most career advancements. Check for your sign below. For advanced astrologers, peek at your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.


The Capricorn full moon illuminates your public sphere, Aries. Money, power, and glory! Stand confidently in your expertise. Know your worth in professional environments. As emotional release washes over you, objectivity gives you foresight. The future stretches out before you. Are you headed in the direction of the greatness you desire and deserve?

As you come full circle this lunation, Capricorn energy graces advancement. You’re ready for the next great thing. Let go of scarcity thinking. There’s a world of opportunity out there. People see you as relatable, benefiting your first impressions and networking connections. Let yourself be noticed. Don’t shy away from taking the credibility and recognition you’ve worked so hard for.

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As the Capricorn full moon sheds light onto your responsibility sector, emotional catharsis follows. You’ve been giving selflessly to others. It’s time to pour into your cup now. Boundaries allow you to stop dangerous blurred lines. As you define your autonomous self apart from others, you can clearly define your wants and needs.

Professional advancement comes from your previous generosity and support. However, you must accept the help extended to you. Should you decline a helping hand out of modesty, insecurity, or self-sabotage opportunities cannot reach you. Pay attention. Who is subtly offering to lend you resources, ideas, and support? Strike while the irons are hot.

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You’re feeling capable, confident, and sure of your work ethic this Capricorn full moon. As the lunation sparks interest in your resource sector, you know what you need to go the extra mile. A detached perspective brings insight. There’s no use in pretending to be content with less than you deserve. Dare to reach for the next milestone.

In terms of professional advancement, expect opportune opportunities. Walking confidently in your self-worth sets you apart from the rest. Even if you carry pieces of imposter syndrome, fake it ‘til you make it. Downplaying your efforts is out. Being your biggest supporter is in. Ask for a raise, seek better employment, or start that side hustle. The cosmic forecast is on your side

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