3 Zodiac Signs With The Most Malleable Hearts

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A malleable heart is one that is easily swayed, at times manipulated, and often bruised. People with malleable hearts love deeply, although usually to their own detriment. Here are three zodiac signs with the most malleable hearts.

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1. Pisces

Pisces is a zodiac sign with great empathy, able to put themselves in others’ shoes no matter the size. While Pisces’ sensitivity and compassion is definitely a blessing, it is also a curse at times for this water sign because people can take advantage of Pisces’ kindness. Pisces often ends up in one-sided friendships and relationships as a result, tending to everyone’s needs but their own.

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2. Libra

Balanced Libra craves harmony, sometimes at the cost of their own inner peace. Libra wants to make everyone around them happy, easily succumbing to the ideas and wills of others. While being flexible is one thing, Libra often teeters into people-pleasing territory. Libra wants approval so badly that that they forget they deserve their own love too.

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3. Virgo

Virgo is a giver and endlessly nurturing. Acts of service is definitely this steadfast earth sign’s love language. While being reliable and loyal is definitely a beautiful thing, sometimes Virgo’s perfectionist tendencies get in the way. As such, Virgo goes overboard taking care of everyone else, burning themselves out in the process.

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