3 Zodiac Signs With Sharp Minds And Even Sharper Wits

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It takes a tremendous sense of humor to deal with the trials and tribulations that come with everyday life. Using our intellect to solve any problem that life throws at our doorstep, it’s typically easier remaining upbeat about an issue rather than languishing in self-pity or prolonged bouts of sadness. Poking fun at our problems healthily and beneficially, having the strength to laugh at ourselves during the most difficult of times can grant us the wherewithal to keep moving forward. Fortunately, some signs seem to possess a far more level-headed mindset in contending with life’s issues, delighting everyone around them with their problem-solving resilience, buoyant humor, and optimistic worldview.

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Geminis are the kings and queens of communication, effortlessly putting their interpersonal skills to good use whenever they’re called upon for conversation. In this sense, they’re naturally inclined to use their humor and vast intelligence for improving morale, whether that means making good-natured jokes about others or even themselves. As someone able to instantly pick up the vibe of a room, a Gemini will instinctively try to work out how they can use laughter to the benefit of others, lightening the mood to ensure everyone feels comfortable.

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Virgos have an unfortunate reputation for their biting sarcasm – a comedic weapon they’ll use to highlight certain things they consider flaws in their endlessly precocious eyes. If they notice your living room needs a good dusting, they’ll wryly comment, “Wow, with all these cobwebs, I feel like I’m in a haunted house.” Their humor might prove a bit hard-hitting at times, but at the end of the day, Virgos don’t realize when they’re being offensive. In their minds, they’re simply using jokes to point out things that could be easily improved upon for the better.

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Sagittarians are always searching for the silver lining in any situation, no matter how horrible said scenario might seem at first glance. If they get into an accident and total their car, they’ll mention how they were thinking about getting a newer, sportier car anyway. If they suffer through a breakup, they’ll smile and point out that at least they won’t have to laugh at their partner’s painfully unfunny jokes anymore. For this reason, Sagitarrians are an invaluable companion to have by your side, forever making the best of a bad situation.

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3 Zodiac Signs With Sharp Minds And Even Sharper Wits
3 Zodiac Signs With Sharp Minds And Even Sharper Wits





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